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Comedian Devin Gray is Performing LIVE in Cape Town

Have you heard of Devin Gray? You should have. A born and bred South African, this young comedian has headlined many leading shows across the globe and will be visiting Cape Town for a 1-night-only performance on 6 March 2024. This is your chance to grab the opportunity to support one of the freshest names in comedy.

‘I am coming to Cape Town as one of my stops on my way to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, I wanted to do a show in Cape Town as this is where I found my legs in comedy! I’m very excited to be back home,’ explains Devin.

Devin Gray

What is How To Get Away With Marriage all about?

How To Get Away With Marriage’ is a fresh, relatable and strangely thrilling take on marriage in the modern age. Devin Gray’s debut solo show is filled with laughter, cryptic culture clashes, and a daring dash of suspicion.

The comedian delivers razor-sharp wit that pierces through cultural barriers in this sceptically funny cloak-and-dagger comedy show. Expect dual (or duel) citizenship jokes that transcend borders and unveil the closet skeletons that connect us all.

Arm yourself for a thrilling experience as Devin navigates his marriage to his German partner-in-crime. Whether navigating the German language, on the hunt for love, deciphering foreign customs, or just dealing with life’s lemons, this show will have you shrieking, ‘Been there!’.

Devin Gray

More about Devin Gray

Devin Gray is acclaimed as an international headlining comedian straight out of South Africa. Having served laughs from the southern tip of Africa to the heart of Europe, Asia and everywhere in between, his comedy journey touches on diverse cultures and audiences.

‘South African audiences are one of the best!’ muses the comedian. ‘We have a sense of humour in our country that other countries don’t have. South African audiences are always great, when travelling, specifically in Europe it is sometimes more work to get the audience on my side whereas when I am at home I am connected instantly.’

Devin’s style of observational humour with a touch of silliness makes him a relatable talent that takes you on a self-reflective journey leaving everyone feeling nostalgic. Devin is crowned with Comedy Central status, battle-tested in the Comedy Central Roast arena, and honoured as the opening act for comedy heavyweights Jeffrey Ross and Hannibal Buress at the prestigious Comedy Central International Festival.

Essential booking details

Cost: R120pp, book via Quicket

When: Wednesday, 6 March 2024 from 8pm to 10pm
Where: Kaapstad Toneelhuis, 10 Hermes St, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town

Tel: 072 149 0030
Instagram: @kaapstad_toneelhuis
Facebook: @kaapstadtoneelhuis

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