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About us

About What’s on in Cape Town

What’s on in Cape Town is the go-to resource for the best lifestyle experiences,  activities and attractions in the Western Cape. We celebrate Arts and Lifestyle tourism  in Cape Town by promoting great brands, exciting artists, and fabulous initiatives

What we do

Founded in 2006, we are an established website with multiple facets: a popular newsletter, a large following on Instagram and Facebook, and a content creation arm. We partner with local brands and venues to highlight their latest offerings for our thousands of readers.

Loved by locals and tourists alike, we cover:

Live Events

From small gigs and pop-ups to multi-day festivals and expos


From cooking classes to sky-diving


From gaming to gift guides and spas

Food & Drink

From picnics and coffee spots to cocktails and fine dining


From budget to luxury


We publish a growing number of articles each week, many of which in addition to being highlighted on our website are also amplified via our newsletter and social media. These articles range from ‘evergreen’ articles about our city’s top attractions to a roundup of the best upcoming events, to announcements of the most exciting new offerings to hit the Western Cape.


We collaborate closely with our partners ensuring we choose the best path to suit their brand and make an impact on our audience. Many of our once-off advertisers have returned again and again, knowing that we can be relied upon to deliver the goods. For this reason we now have long term partnership arrangements, wherein our partner brands get coverage above and beyond the bespoke stipulations.

We deliver content that ensures we raise awareness but we also go beyond that goal, discussing both with our partners and within our team ways in which we can drive  bookings and ticket sales whether via a competition or specific content creation.

For more information about how to have your brand featured on What’s On in Cape Town, email [email protected] and download our media pack.


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