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Witness for the Prosecution

Event information

Pieter Toerien presents Agatha Christie’s ingenious courtroom drama for the first time in South Africa.

Witness for The Prosecution is a gripping tale of justice, passion, betrayal and revenge. Leonard Vole is accused of murdering a widow, the glamorous and enormously rich Emily French, to inherit her fortune.

This classic Christie play delights audiences and keeps everyone on the edge of their seats right up till the thrilling climax. The stakes are high – will Leonard survive the shocking witness testimony, will he be able to convince the jury of his innocence and escape the hangman’s noose?

Graham Hopkins and Sharon Spiegel-Wagner lead a large cast that includes favourites Mike Huff, Craig Jackson, Peter Terry, Dianne Simpson, Brett Krüger, Matthew Lotter, Micah Stojakovic, Jordan Soares, Bulelo Landman and Casandra Brussel.

Date: 29 May-30 June 2024

Time: Wed-Fri 7.30pm | Sun 3pm

Price: R150-R300

Venue address: Pieter Torien Theatre, 1 Montecasino Blvd, Magaliessig, Johannesburg

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 0115111988




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