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Willow Creek Olive Oil

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Willow Creek olive oil, a favourite of restaurants and many serious cooks is situated in the picturesque Nuy Valley near Worcester. The region is blessed with terroir and a climate perfectly suited for the cultivation of olives. 

Their product range includes Extra Virgin Olive Oils, Flavoured Olive Oils, Balsamic Vinegars, Table Olives, and Olive Pastes to add a local twist to salads, antipasti, and just a snack.

The olive estate uses cold extraction methods for their oil, ensuring that the goodness and nutrition in the olives are conserved.

After the pressing process is done, the oil is transferred to the blending house, where a team of master tasters and blenders combine various cultivars to make up a superior quality extra virgin olive oil. Dark-colored bottles protect the oil from direct sunlight and oxygen, extra virgin olive oil’s biggest enemies.

The Nuy Valley region is blessed with an abundance of good quality, crystal clear mountain water. This, combined with meticulous attention to the olive grove, ensures even ripening and consistent quality.

The company also conserves the environment by treating effluent on-farm in evaporation dams. Olive fruit pips and waste are recycled and used as biofuel to make sure nothing is wasted.

You can shop Willow Creek olive oil in most supermarkets or online. If you're in the Worcester area, pop in at their Tasting Room for a preview of their products. 

Venue address: Nuy Road Nuy Valley, Worcester

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 023 342 5793

Email: [email protected]




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