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Theatre in the Dark

Event information

Theatre in the Dark is a space for artists to get creative and make work that can be performed and generate income during these uncertain times.

Think audio theatre, think alternative lighting, think theatre for young people too. Theatre in the Dark offers a platform for a new way of thinking.

In an attempt to collaborate creatively with Eskom, Theatre Arts is running a 2 week season of Theatre in the Dark – no strain on the national grid, no lights going out in the middle and a hiatus while generators kick in, no cancelling of the shows due to sudden stage 8 loadshedding.

Theatre in the Dark is a space for artists to get creative and make work that can be performed and generate income during these uncertain times. Think audio theatre, think alternative lighting, think theatre for young people too. Theatre in the Dark offers a platform for a new way of thinking. Let's embrace the darkness.

Date: 10-25 February 2024

Time: TBA

Price: TBA

Venue address: Methodist Church Hall, Cnr Milton Road and Wesley Street, Observatory, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Email: [email protected]



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