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The Wilds Nature Reserve

Event information

The Wilds Nature Reserve is an inner-city park in the suburb of Houghton, Johannesburg, where members of the public can relax, enjoy nature and experience the great outdoors.

The park consists of 16 hectares of indigenous vegetation on the sides of two rocky koppies or hills with views of the city of Johannesburg and its suburbs. The land was donated to the City of Johannesburg by the Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Company in 1924 with the condition that it remains in its natural state and open to the public.

It opened to the public in 1938 with lawns, ponds and waterfalls with paths through the park laid out in stone. The park is found on both sides of Houghton Drive and was connected by a footbridge in 1965.

The Wilds was declared a national monument on 20 February 1981 and a conservation area in 2006.

Date: Daily

Time: 6am to 6pm

Price: Free

Venue address:  The Wilds Nature Reserve, Houghton Dr, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 11 643 2313




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