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The Commune

Event information

This business is community-centered, collectively-run bookshop and not-for-profit organization. The bookstore has, with great care, selected books that reflect their collective commitment to revolutionary politics and cover everything from grassroots social movements, decolonization and environmentalism to queer theory, disability studies and prison abolition, with a healthy dose of art, poetry and fiction.

It is the staff’s hope that this space becomes a useable archive, resource and intellectual commons for those interested in an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialist, decolonial, feminist, Pan-African future, as well as an important meeting space for those who share the same values.

Time: Tues to Fri 10.30am to 5pm

Venue address: 14 Reserve St, Braamfontein, Johannesburg

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27

Email: [email protected]





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