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Sukume Museum & Xhosa Culture Centre

Event information

The Sukume Museum and Xhosa Culture Centre is situated behind Walmer Township in Port Elizabeth (Gqeberha). It’s a small, basic facility which features exhibits of a typical shack, artwork created by local artists and old photographs.

Tours can be arranged to experience a donkey ride through the township, to sample local dishes, or to visit to a shebeen (pub). Visitors can also view typical Xhosa performances; take a tour to the local school and Human Dignity Centre; or listen to talks on traditional customs like lobola and ancestor worship.

The aim of the centre is to uplift and educate, and presentations revolve around the history of Port Elizabeth and Gqebera (Walmer Township), as well as Xhosa culture and the Apartheid era.

Date: Weekdays

Time: Mon to Thurs 8am to 4pm | Fri 8am to 2pm

Venue address: 1 Victoria Dr, Walmer, Gqeberha

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Wheelchair accessibility: Yes

Tel: 041 581 7089


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