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Food & Drink
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Square Cafe and Wine Bar

Event information

From the daily, go-to cuppa to freshly baked deli delights, Square Cafe & Wine Bar offers an array of meals from an à la carte menu or fresh from the Harvest Table, and a wine cellar holding a wide variety of wines expertly sourced by their resident sommelier.

Located at the Century City Hotel’s Urban Square, Square Cafe & Wine Bar's deli serves fresh, just baked homemade bread and pastries to gourmet pies and salads.

Hotel guests and day visitors are invited to enjoy breakfast and lunch buffets at the Square Cafe & Wine Bar which overlooks the art pieces and water features of Century City Square.

Time: Breakfast: Mon-Fri 6.30am to 10.30am; Sat & Sun 7.30am to 10.30am | Lunch/Dinner: Mon-Thur 3pm to 10pm; Fri-Sun 12pm to 10pm | Harvest Table: Mon-Fri 12pm-2.30pm | Bar opens at 11am

Venue address: Ground Floor, Century City Hotel Urban Square,  3 Energy Lane, Bridgeways Precinct, Century City

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 021 204 8000

Email: [email protected]




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