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Sponsor a Workshop for a Child

Event information

The National Children's Theatre (NCT) provides engaging, educational entertainment for children both at the beautiful Parktown campus and at schools across Gauteng.

More than 20 000 children annually see the NCT productions and experience workshop classes in drama, dance and music. Children who participate in these classes build self-esteem, confidence, a sense of identity and belonging.

Many children who want to attend weekly workshop classes simply can't afford it.

The NCT 'Sponsor a Workshop for a Child' Campaign helps a child attend Saturday morning workshop classes weekly, during school terms, for one year.

These workshops include:
- Training in music, vocals, dance and drama
- Developing talent, confidence, voice, coordination, music and theatre skills
- Learning from professional rehearsals and productions at NCT
- Auditioning to perform in NCT's productions
- Interacting with students of all backgrounds
- A chance at a better future

The success of the 'Sponsor a Workshop for a Child' Campaign depends on businesses and individuals who believe in the transformative power of theatre arts for children.

A sponsorship of R6000 allows a child to attend a full year of workshops.

All donations are tax deductible and a section 18A certificate is issued to donors.

Price: Donations of R6000

Venue address: National Children's Theatre, 3 Junction Ave, Parktown, Johannesburg

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Wheelchair accessibility: Yes


Tel: +27 11 484 1584





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