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Slave Route Challenge

Event information

The Slave Route Challenge brings people together from all walks of life. The avid runner can enjoy a Half Marathon or a 10km Run and novices can enjoy the 10km Big Walk or the 5km Fun Run / Walk. Powered by Brimstone, the challenge has the purpose of raising awareness about the history and heritage of Cape Town, truly encapsulating the spirit of Ubuntu.

Runners and walkers are given the opportunity to run and walk in District Six and the BoKaap, marvel at the beauty and cultural diversity of Cape Town, experience the heritage sites, run through the Castle of Good Hope, appreciate the cultural diversity and embrace other Capetonians.

The route was selected because it passes heritage sites including the Whipping Post where slaves were whipped, the Hurling Swing Pump where slaves had to pump water for their masters, the Company Bell that rang to call slaves, Gallows Hill where slaves were executed, the Castle where slaves were imprisoned and tortured and the Slave Tree Plaque where slaves were sold, offering a comprehensive overview of this side of the city's history.

Medals are awarded to all finishers, and water and snacks are available along the route. Temporary licenses must be purchased by unregistered runners looking to participate in the half-marathon and 10km runs.

Date: 26 May 2024

Time: Start times 7am (half marathon), 7.30am (10km walk and run) & 7.40am (5km fun run)

Price: R190 - R265pp (half marathon) | R80 - R180pp (10km run) | R90pp (10km big walk) | R50pp (5km fun run)

Venue address: Route begins at Cape Town City Hall, Darling Street, CBD, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown




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