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Sid Fourie Historical House Museum

Event information

Jansenville Museum, better known as the Sid Fourie House, has a variety of interesting collections relating to both lifestyles of the past, and the locality in particular. One can browse through various rooms, which include a library and a dining room with a selection of war memorabilia and other artefacts.

Regarded as something of an eccentric, Fourie wrote a number of books and travelled the world extensively. He was editor of the Jansenville Chronicle for 45 years, and later served as mayor of the town for 25. He also played a role in the establishment of the SAWAS Hospital (South African Women's Auxiliary Services), and finally bequeathed his house to the town.

Mr. Fourie's 1938 Chevrolet is still parked in the garage, and there are old farming implements in the garden. There’s also an old ox wagon from the 17th century, a ‘skotskar’’ governess-cart, a petrol pump and blacksmith exhibition, plus unique fossils.

Date: Booking required

Time: Booking required

Venue address: 6 Bridge St, Jansenville

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Tel: 082 957 6555

Email: [email protected]


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