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Student volunteers are the driving force behind SHAWCO’s various projects. We partner with leading technological organisations to provide the latest tech and tools to assist underprivileged students and communities to access resources and knowledge.

While SHAWCO may have started as a healthcare NGO, we spread out to cover education, law, and many other disciplines to assist our South African people.

Interestingly enough, our SHAWCO student volunteers became titans in their fields. SHAWCO volunteering activities play a pivotal role in future careers. They are game changers on any CV, and there is a special connection between all those who take up the SHAWCO mantle.

Venue address: E47 Old Main Building Primary Health Care Directorate Entrance #5, Groote Schuur Hospital, Main Rd, Observatory, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 21 406 6740

Email: [email protected]





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