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Rondebosch Common

Event information

Rondebosch Common has a long history as an open space for public use.

The area supports a natural remnant of the critically endangered Cape Flats Sand fynbos, with patches of renosterveld, and it is also a seasonal wetland. Over 300 plant species have been verified on the site, of which nine appear in the Red Data List, two of them being such as Ixia monadelpha (EN) and Podalyria sericea (NT). 110 different bird species have also been recorded.
Rondebosch Common is very popular among local residents, who can be seen jogging, walking their dogs, exercising and enjoying the open space every day.

Date: Daily

Time: Always open

Price: Free

Venue address: Milner Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Yes

Accessibility details: A small number of paths are tarred and/or graded, suitable for wheelchairs.



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