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Nobel Square

Event information

Nobel Square pays tribute to South Africa`s four Nobel Peace Prize Laureates: the late Nkosi Albert Luthuli, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, former State President FW de Klerk and former President Nelson Mandela.

The larger-than-life bronze sculptures of the four Laureates were created by internationally acclaimed artist Claudette Schreuders, and they reflect the ambiguities of the search for an ‘African’ identity in the post-apartheid South Africa. The fifth sculpture in the square, Peace and Democracy, created by Noria Mabasa, acknowledges the contribution of women and children to the attainment of peace in South Africa.

Date: Daily

Time: Always open

Venue address: Watershed, 17 Dock Rd, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 21 408 7600

Email: [email protected]


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