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Neighbourhood at The Baxter

Event information

Fleur du Cap and Standard Bank Ovation Award-winning playwright-director, Tiisetso Mashifane wa Noni premieres her new play, 'Neighbourhood' at the Baxter Studio.

The riveting story investigates the lingering effects of spatial apartheid in the ongoing fight for land justice and affordable housing in urban areas. Set in contemporary South Africa, the play follows the relationship between two fictional neighbourhoods, Lindela, an informal settlement and Everwood, an upper middle-class suburb that many Lindela residents travel to and from for better work and education opportunities.

After multiple cries for affordable housing within the neighbourhood they seek their livelihoods from, the Lindela community members take matters into their own hands and move into Everwood to become neighbours to those they serve. Mashifane wa Noni presents this pressingly relevant story about loss, land and belonging in multiple South African languages including English, Sepedi, isiZulu, isiXhosa and Afrikaans.

The play, which weaves real-life issues gathered from months' worth of research into a fictional tale, features a vibrant young cast composed of members of the Baxter's Fires Burning company such as Awethu Hleli, Carlo Daniels, Lyle October, Nolufefe Ntshuntshe, Tamzin Williams, Carla Smith, and Jock Kleynhans rounding off the ensemble.

The play's creative team is made up of Patrick Curtis (set design), Michaeline Wessels (costume design), Jannous Aukema (sound design) and Andi Colombo (lighting design).

Date: 2 to 24 August 2024

Time: Tuesdays to Saturdays | Various showings at 2.30pm and/or 8pm

Price: R150 - R190pp

Venue address: Baxter Studio, Baxter Theatre Centre, Main Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Yes

Accessibility details: The Baxter Theatre has limited wheelchair seating available. Call to arrange assistance.

Tel: +27 21 680 3967

Email: [email protected]




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