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Music 4 Minis – (Online)

Event information

Music4Minis is offering new virtual classes for children aged three months to seven years. The classes aim to instill the love of music into children from an early age. Music assists in a child's development, literacy, coordination, social skills, creativity, expression, concentration, and memory.

At Music 4 Mini’s the aim is to nurture a love of music from an early age and give moms / nannies and grannies fun, quality time with their children whilst children learn through music.

The school aims to assist with babies and children's development regarding their concentration, counting and memory. It assists their concentration. Through repetition babies and children can recognize, remember & later recite familiar songs even if they can’t understand the words, so music assists them with memory. As children experience music and rhythm they learn about beats and different patterns and counting, which will help them later in life with subjects such as maths.

Price: R250 for 4 classes | R600 for 12 classes | R700 for 16 classes

Venue address: Online

Wheelchair accessibility: Yes


Tel: +27 82 080 0561

Email: [email protected]




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