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Molweni Coffee

Event information

In Cofimvaba – the Eastern Cape hometown of Molweni Coffee’s founder Monde Bulala – the morning starts with a friendly “Molo” and a warm smile from strangers passing by. The humility and kindness of that simple human connection are enough to lift one’s spirits to start the day off right.

And for his concept coffee shop in Cape Town, Monde captures the same humility and kind-heartedness in his selection of coffees. You'll find a small selection of well-made coffees as well as fresh sarmies and baked sweet treats served with a smile.  

This ethos is what makes the coffee shop such a wonderful addition to the city's coffee culture. After all, coffee is a tool for bringing people together (and keeping us awake throughout the day).

Time: Mon – Fri, 7am to 5pm; Sat, 7am to 2pm

Venue address: 1 Dorman Street, Gardens

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 060 647 8499

Email: [email protected]




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