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Military History Museum

Event information

The Military History Museum is the most recent addition to the Graaff-Reinet Museum Complex, established in 2005. It serves a wide geographical area and is of national importance, as indicated in the National Handbook of Archival Repositories.

Exhibit attractions include material on The Anglo Boer War: South African War, The Graaff-Reinet Commando: First World War, Die Middellandse Regiment: Second World War, and Regiment Groot Karoo: Group 32.

The building was built along the lines of a stable situated on the same premises, to ensure that it is in keeping with the architectural style of the rest of the buildings of the museum complex.

Date: Daily

Time: 8am to 2pm

Venue address: Market Square, Graaff-Reinet

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 049 892 5650

Email: [email protected]


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