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Logos Hope Bookfair

Event information

The world's largest floating bookfair, Logos Hope travels from port-to-port, remaining in each port for about two weeks and opening the gangways to thousands of visitors each day. This June, the floating fair hits Cape Town's shores.

The fair offers over 5 000 titles, providing many visitors their first-ever opportunity to purchase quality literature. On average, one million visitors are welcomed on board one of these ships every year. Beyond that, with around 60 different nationalities representing the volunteer crew on board, the Logos Hope community is regarded as a genuine expression of international goodwill and understanding.

Teams go from the ship into surrounding areas to visit hospitals, schools, orphanages or prisons, supply aid, provide community care, and promote literacy and education, cross-cultural co-operation, and social awareness. The floating fair serves to both introduce visitors to literature in a way that they have never experienced literature before, whilst also aiming to serve people in the port communities.

Date: 7 to 25 Jun 2024

Time: Tues to Sat, 11am to 8pm | Sun, 1pm to 8pm

Price: R10pp (entry) | Free (u/12s)

Venue address: V & A Waterfront, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown





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