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Kleinkaap Valentine’s Movie Night

Event information

The Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel is hosting a Valentine's Day movie night.

This is a romantic and whimsical escape from the city with a luxury movie night and dinner under the stars. The attending guests receive a dinner platter and a projector will be ready and set up for showtime.
The dinner platter includes:
– Cheeseboard (Cheese, charcuterie, biltong pate, seasonal fruit & preserves)
– Baquette with fresh farm butter
– Spinach Tartlet with homemade preserves
– Beef Koftas
– Marinated Chicken Drummies & dipping sauce
– Pearl Barley & Peach Salad
– Crisp Bacon Valentine Salad
– Chocolate Truffles

Tickets include a movie, dinner, popcorn and movie snacks.Guests are encourged to bring along their picnic blankets, pillows, chairs, and all things cozy to enjoy a relaxing night under the stars.
The movie is taking place outdoors, however, the event may be moved indoors should there be any unforeseen weather changes or chances of rain predicted for the duration of the event.

Date: 14 February 2024

Time: 5pm-10pm

Price: R465

Venue address: The Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel, 87 Jim Van Der Merwe St, Clubview, Centurion

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 012 654 9878

Email: [email protected]




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