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K-Way’s MMXXI Summer Range

Event information

Just in time for the heat, Cape Union Mart launches K-Way’s MMXXI Summer Range of streetwear featuring futuristic designs, bold colours and unique prints.

Focused on minimalism and layering, the MMXXI Summer Collection is gender-inclusive and can be dressed up or down. This range of clothing was designed and created with a focus on quality, comfort, durability and sustainability.

Each item was made with recycled materials as much as possible, and where recycled materials could not be used materials were ethically sourced.

K-Way’s MMXXI Summer Range is now available in Cape Union Mart stores nationwide and online. The Cape Union Group has 300 stores nationwide and stocks the K-Way brand, a range of outdoor clothing and gear, exclusively.

Venue address: Online and in stores nationwide

Wheelchair accessibility: Yes


Tel: +27 86 033 3329

Email: [email protected]





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