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Hilton College Theatre

Event information

The Hilton College Theatre is a 472 seater theatre in the heart of the KwaZulu Natal Midlands. It is known as the home of the annual Hilton Arts Festival which is the largest theatre festival in KZN. Based at the Hilton College campus, the Hilton College Theatre functions as an extension of the school’s drama department and as a professional theatre for hire.

It hosts a variety of productions ranging from music and theatre to dance and everything in between. As the Midlands’ main cultural space, it prioritizes community and home-grown projects while also receiving a number of touring shows from across the country including work from the National Arts Festival (NAF).

NAF went virtual in 2020 with an online showcase and KZN-produced shows featured in the festival were filmed at the Hilton College Theatre. The venue is thus geared to continue with this new development and is fully equipped to film any local theatre work needing to be presented online.

Date: Refer to website

Time: Refer to website

Venue address: Hilton College, Hilton

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Tel: 033 383 0126

Email: [email protected]



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