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Greatmore Studios Trust

Event information

Greatmore aims to provide an opportunity to build a professional practice, and establish a career.

Exhibitions, workshops, open days and public events provide platforms to engage with various audiences, as well as to introduce the latest works of upcoming and established artists.

The Greatmore Studios Trust is a non-profit arts and culture organisation, and along with Thupelo Cape Town, form part of the Triangle Arts Trust, an international network that initiates artist led residencies and workshops. Greatmore and Thupelo follow the Triangle model of providing studio space and residencies, facilitating workshops and supporting outreach programs to raise awareness of art.

Greatmore Studios Trust events happen throughout the year. These programs are aimed at community building and skills enhancement, and are intended for cultural practitioners across a broad range of fields. They allow participants interested in developing their work to access master practitioners in specialised areas of practice.

Date: Weekdays

Time: 9am to 5pm

Venue address: 47 Greatmore St, Woodstock, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 021 447 9699

Email: [email protected]



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