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Giraffe House

Event information

The Giraffe House Wildlife Awareness centre provides easy access to some of the continent's wildlife and bird species. Focusing on African wildlife, Giraffe House aims to provide a place for people to enjoy the outdoors, whilst experiencing and learning about animals and why they are special.

Education is the Centre's primary focus, and they cater from preschool and school groups to older groups. The wildlife education is presented in an informative wildlife conservation program suited for the individual.

Giraffe House is an open-air facility, guests should dress appropriately for the weather.In Summer, a hat, sunscreen and some water is advised and for Winter , gumboots/old shoes and warm clothing is advised.

The tap water is not suitable for drinking bottled water is available at the kiosk or visitors can bring their own with.

Date: Daily

Time: 9am to 5pm

Price: R85 adults  | R55 children | R60 seniors

Venue address: Cnr R304 & R101, Muldersvlei, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 21 884 4506

Email: [email protected]




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