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Gia’s on Montrose

Event information

Gias on Montrose is a family run restaurant and function venue that has uniquely provided an oasis styled get away from the concrete city life for patrons.

It is nestled in the picturesque gardens of Montrose Nursery surrounded by nature where the sounds of birds chirping and the breeze in the trees replaces the drone of car engines and the hustle and bustle of urban living.

Gias has a diverse menu with many homemade delicious meals to chose from ranging from our famous burgers to a pie in a mug, eggs Benedict, pastas, salads and bagels to name a few. It also only serves premium Italian coffee which always completes an experience.

This is a dog-friendly establishment

Time: Monday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm

Venue address: Gias on Montrose, 66b South Road, Morningside, Sandton

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 011 3265074

Email: [email protected]




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