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Gallery MOMO

Event information

The organization opened a second branch in the Bo-Kaap, Cape Town, in 2005, expanding its presence with an additional gallery space with a showroom offering African- and diaspora-inspired artwork, and public events.

Artists exhibiting at the gallery have been at the forefront of the local and international art world. These artists, through their respective genres, keep pushing the boundaries of global markets.
The gallery also continues to support young-and-upcoming talent through an established residency program situated in Johannesburg. The program allows creators to exchange ideas and engage with a new environment.

Aside from ongoing exhibitions at both galleries, Gallery MOMO also pursues its presence abroad by participating in major art fairs. Artists presented by Gallery MOMO periodically feature in biennales such as the Venice Biennale, Beijing Biennale, Havana Biennale, and Lyon Biennale.

Date: Mondays to Saturdays

Time: Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm | Sat 9am to 1pm

Venue address: 16 Buiten St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 011 327 3247

Email: [email protected]




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