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FemFest 2024

Event information

FemFest 2024 is a dynamic women-only event and celebration of women’s empowerment hosted by UCT Connect.Meet.Collaborate.

Step into a day filled with inspiration, connection, and celebration as women come together to share their achievements.

Experience live musical performances alongside insightful talks on business and entrepreneurship, and engaging discussions on sexual health. A touch of humour is added with a comedy show that adds laughter to the mix. This is a unique opportunity to network, gain fresh perspectives, and celebrate the power of women together.

Date: 26 October 2024

Time: 10am to 6pm

Price: R300 - R1400

Venue address: Protea Hotel Mowbray, 92 Liesbeek Ave, Observatory, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Yes

Accessibility details: If you have requests for specific accessibility needs, please contact the property. Wheelchair-accessible parking available.


Tel: +2721 406 6733

Email: [email protected]




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