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Fast and Reasonably Furious

Event information

South African stand-up comedy Hall-of-Famer, Alan Committie, returns for the festive season with his latest, brand new stand up show: Fast and Reasonably Furious.

Displaying his lightning fast wit, coupled with his madcap physicality, and renowned crowd engagement, this is Committie screeching his way across the stage with high octane, Vin-Diesel fuelled laughs for the holiday season.

Attendees can expect a flip-chart filled with flagrantly flippant fun-facts, Johan van der Walt, extemporising about eggs and chickens, Rants and rumination around Coronations, World Cup fever, Artificial Intelligence and so much more.

Date: 20 December - 3 February 2024

Time: Various slots

Price: R180-R280

Venue address: Link Street, Camps Bay, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 021 438 3300

Email: [email protected]



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