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De Hoop Nature Reserve

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The De Hoop Nature Reserve is a World Heritage site and Marine Protected area. Just three hours from Cape Town, it offers a unique outdoor experience like no other - sea, beaches, a Ramsar-listed vlei, rare indigenous plants, diverse animal and bird life and of course whales.

Lying to the south of the Overberg region, De Hoop is world renowned as one the best spots for land-based whale watching in South Africa. Every year, between June and November some 40% of the world’s southern right whales come to these shores to breed.

From the high vantage point of the pristine dunes of Koppie Alleen guests can view incredible sightings of the whales breaching, tail slapping and spyhopping - a term for when a whale rises partially out of the water in an upright position.

Accommodation can be booked at the De Hoop Collection situated in the heart of the magnificent reserve. It offers a range of affordable accommodation from campsite rondawels, self-catering cottages and houses, to more luxurious options.

Venue address: De Hoop Nature Reserve, Overberg District Municipality

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 (0)21 422 4522

Email: [email protected]




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