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Curated Makers Market

Event information

The Curated Makers Market brings together independent artisans, makers, performers and businesses to create brilliant, local monthly night market hosting a wide selection of the finest local makers, bakers, crafters and so many more.

This month the market shines a spotlight on women makers and celebrates women's month with a great line-up which includes Hip Hop Dj Fae Fae, soulful songbird from the landscapes of Lesotho, Malehloka ‘Maleh, singer, songwriter and guitarist, Ntshikiwane also known as the musical medicine and Afro-soul singer and songwriter Gina Mabasa.

Date: 4 August

Time: 4pm -11pm

Price: Free

Venue address: Constitution Hill Parking Entrance, Joubert St, Johannesburg

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Wheelchair accessibility: Yes


Tel: +27 11 381 3100




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