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Constantia Wine Walk

Event information

The Constantia Wine Walk is a private-access walking tour that travels across three renowned wine farms in the Constantia Valley - Groot Constantia, Klein Constantia and Buitenverwachting. Encircled by exquisite mountains, you’ll stroll through the enchanting vineyards on private trails, have the pleasure of tasting 10 wines and delight in a delicious harvest platter lunch at the final stop. The tour is 6km long and requires half a day to complete.

The main focus of the tour is on the stories of Constantia, which is considered home to one of the most fascinating wine tales in the world. Constantia is the oldest wine region in the southern hemisphere, with its wine - famously "sweet, luscious and agreeable" - used as the toast of ballrooms and palaces across Europe in the 1700s. Every notable figure desired and treasured it. Queen Victoria drank a glass each night, while Napoleon drank a bottle daily. It is one thing to read these stories but walking through the trails allows you to visualise each moment of history as if it were happening in the present.

The tour was created - and is led - by former Getaway journalist Matthew Sterne who spent nine months researching the stories of Constantia to be able to weave together the narrative in an engaging and entertaining way.

Date: on request

Price: R1000 - R1950

Venue address: Groot Constantia Rd, Constantia, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: No


Email: [email protected]



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