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Calvinia Museum

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A Jewish Synagogue was built in Calvinia in 1920, and this now serves as the town’s museum. Exhibits illustrate the history of sheep farming in South Africa, and farming activities are depicted by an old bucket pump, flour mill, cobbling and blacksmith workshops, as well as soap and candle-making utensils.

There are numerous exhibits of clothing, furniture and tools from previous centuries and the curators have even brought in the steam train that was once used for trade with the town. Items relating to the lifestyle of the early European settlers are on show, as well as a telephone exchange switchboard which was used until 1991.

The Calvinia Museum also houses the Calvinia Tourism Office which arranges local walks and activities.

Date: Weekdays

Time: 8am to 5pm

Venue address: 44 Church St, Calvinia

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Tel: 027 341 1043

Email: [email protected]



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