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Brass Bell

Event information

The Brass Bell Restaurants and Pubs, located in the trendy harbour town of Kalk Bay, is situated in False Bay, one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Surrounded by the rolling waves, the restaurant complex of terraced dining areas is nestled into the tidal pool walls, and offers visitors a unique seaside dining experience. Built in 1939, the Brass Bell’s humble beginning as a council-run “Tea Room” is a far cry from the bustling complex of waterfront dining venues that it is today.

Brass Bell’s owner, Tony White has pioneered the ongoing development of the Brass Bell Restaurants and Pubs, and together with his hospitality team, has turned the Brass Bell from a once quaint seaside bistro into a beloved household name, boasting an impressive series of 9 different dining and events venues.

All of the restaurants and pubs offer views across False Bay, Kalk Bay mountains and the working Kalk Bay Harbour.

Time: Mon to Fri 11.30am till late (kitchen closes at 10pm) | Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays 11am till late (kitchen closes at 10pm)

Venue address: Main Rd, Kalk Bay, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 21 788 5455

Email: [email protected]





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