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Bird of Prey Centre flight displays

Event information

Flight displays are a highlight of the Dullstroom Bird of Prey & Rehabilitation Centre. Established in 1997 with the aim of educating the public about the raptor species and their plight as a growing endangered species, the centre continues to promote their well-being in every way possible. They achieve this with flight demonstrations, handling days, and photographic events.

Fight displays run twice daily from Friday to Monday for about an hour, depending on guest involvement. Visitors are afforded the opportunity to get a close-up view of how raptors fly and hunt, as well as experience the agility and beauty of these birds while in flight. There is an accompanying informative talk.

Handling days offer a more personalized, interactive experience, and here one can spend the morning working alongside the falconers and assist with the flying of the birds.

The centre also offers wildlife photographers the opportunity to capture the grace of the raptors, and devotes time and effort to allow the perfect shot to be captured.

Date: Refer to website

Time: Refer to website

Venue address: Spier Wine Farm, R310 Baden Powell Dr, Lynedoch, Stellenbosch

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 082 899 4108

Email: [email protected]



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