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Art and Jazz at 196 Victoria Road

Event information

196 Victoria Road honours the arrival of spring with two group art exhibitions, a live jazz performance, and a communal celebration.

Set at a time close to the spring equinox, this event explores themes of renewal, life and warmth with a group collaboration showcasing both the musical, and the visual.

Enjoy a live performance by jazz duo Giuliette Price and Khaya Mthembu-Salter at 6.30pm on 19 Sept. This dynamic vocal and guitar duo breathe new life into traditional jazz styles.

Art on exhibition is on display in two sections. The first section is a group show featuring five South African artists: Tiffany Onderstall, Danielle Jordaan, Lisa-Marie Myburgh, Kate Scharf and Dayna-Gay Tate. The second section features submissions from participants of various Cape Town Life Drawing sessions. These artworks range from life drawings created in classes, to oil paintings created by these artists.

Date: Opening and live performance 19 Sept 2024 | Exhibition runs from 19 to 23 Sept 2024

Time: Thurs 19 Sept at 6.30pm | Exhibition space is open 9am to 4pm

Price: Free

Venue address: 196 Victoria Road, Woodstock, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Tel: +27 73 117 3485




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