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Adam Small Theatre Complex

Event information

The Adam Small Theatre Complex is the cultural centre of the University of Stellenbosch, offering a theatre, a separate performance space and a seminar room as well as a bar area.

Established in 1965 by the then rector, Prof. H.B. Thom, it was renamed to honour the legacy of the struggle poet, Adam Small.

The theatre is a traditionally raked 330-seater auditorium. The stage environment features 150m2 of performance space and includes a revolve, an orchestra pit, stage trap doors, a fully-automated fly-system, and an LED lighting rig.

The Laboratory is an experimental area featuring 200m2 of performance space which is highly customisable in lighting, seating arrangement and sound set-up. The space allows significant freedom for stage design and execution and the Laboratory’s flexibility allows for extension of activities other than performance.

The meeting room which features multi-media facilities and flexible seating and presentation arrangements.

The Adam Small Theatre Complex retains a classic theatre air as heighted by the stained-glass window by Frank Sydney Spears.

Venue address: Adam Small Theatre Complex, 15 Victoria St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 021 001 2958

Email: [email protected]




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