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Activities & Experiences
Food & Drink
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6 Spin St Restaurant & Gallery

Event information

6 Spin St describes itself as a place to "eat, drink, talk, read, think." A supremely elegant space, it is housed in the historic Sir Herbert Baker building, overlooking Church Square and the Slave Market. It is a cool, refined space amidst the hubbub of the city, offering fabulous food from the same team responsible for the renowned former restaurant, Rozenhof.
Host to solo and group art exhibitions, it is also an event space for occasional intimate concerts. The charming, informed and somewhat eccentric manager, Robert Mulders, also has a Whatsapp group for those wishing to be kept informed of events and dinners, which are available for pick up and delivery.

Time: Mon to Fri 8.30am to 5pm, Sat 10am to 2pm (and occasionally outside these hours)

Price: free

Venue address: 6 Spin St, Cape Town City Centre

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Wheelchair accessibility: No


Tel: 021 461 0666

Email: [email protected]



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