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Wit(h)ness at Cloudigital

Event information

Curated by Dylan McGarry, Wit(h) ness is a contemplative and diffractive group exhibition that focuses on the many crises our world is facing.

It aims to illuminate the intricate connections between war, extractivism, climate collapse and human rights violations, and even itimate personal losses, without losing ourselves to overwhelm, chronic grief syndrome or apathy.

Inspired by Bracha Ettinger, who coined the term "Wit(h)ness", the exhibition explores how complex and multi-faceted processes of perception and engagement with trauma, the Other, and the creative act can be held through contemplative creative enquiry. it goes beyond traditional notions of witnessing as passive observation, and takes on a more profound and empathetic dimension, hence the blending of "with" and "witness".

Artists featured in the exhibition include Lyall Sprong, Luke Metelerkamp, Mishal Weston, Mpumelelo Buthelezi, Kristen McLarty, Naba Yasir, Dom de Villiers, Katherine Glenday, Inge Prins, Ilene Bothma, Amy Simons, David Belamy, Zayaan Khan, Brenda Loukes, Victoria Munley, and Sizo Mahlangu, as well as curator Dylan McGarry's own work.

Date: 13 September 2024 - 31 January 2025

Time: 8am to 5pm, Mon - Sat

Price: R75pp SA nationals | R150pp for tourists

Venue address: Cloudigital Art, Shop 111A & 111B, The Old Foundry, Prestwich Street, Green Point, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 021 001 3477

Email: [email protected]




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