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Event information

Hosted by Darling Brew, Voorkamerfest is an experience that brings theatre productions to the 'voorkamers' (front rooms) of residents' homes.

Darling residents open up their homes to accommodate this unique event, welcoming a variety of artists and visitors alike. The event features 21 venues, with a maximum of 25 viewers per home, and attendees are safely transported along seven routes to each theatre venue by local taxis hired for the event.

There are three multi-disciplined performances per route which remain a surprise until showtime, and each performance is approximately 30 minutes in length. This is an opportunity to catch 60 professional performers from South Africa and elsewhere, up close and personal.

Date: 19 and 20 October 2024

Time: From 11am both days

Price: R300 per route

Venue address: Darling Brew, 48 Caledon St, Darling

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown




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