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Upton’s Naturals Plant Based

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Infinite Foods has just announced that Upton’s Naturals’ range of plant-based Seitan Bacon, Chorizo Crumbles, and Traditional Chunks is now available for online order and added to their menu at their flagship eatery in CBD.

Seitan (pronounced say-tan) is a centuries-old technique stemming from ancient Japanese culinary traditions and is made from all-natural wheat protein.

The bacon, crumbles, and chunks boast a porky taste and meaty texture, they are non-GMO, kosher, high in protein, and unlike animal-based meat, are low in fat and with zero cholesterol.

Upton’s Naturals is one of the world’s leading plant-based food brands and is known for its range of flavoured wheat-based Seitan. These new additions are perfect on tacos, nachos, salads, pasta, or your favourite breakfast scramble.

You can try the range at Infinite Café, or shop online.

Time: Mon to Fri 7am - 3pm | Sat 8am - 1pm

Price: Various

Venue address: 4 Commercial St, Corner of Plein and Commercial St, City Bowl, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 63 143 9939

Email: [email protected]




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