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The Good Dad

Event information

The Good Dad, directed by Paul du Toit (Fleur du Cap winner for Best Director 2022)and actress Erika Breytenbach-Marais (Fleur du Cap nomination for Best Actress 2022) delivers a solo performance which takes the audience on a magical theatre journey with the use of a single prop, staggering design, and an almost unbelievable story.

A good dad. A happy family. A dark secret.
A young woman is sitting in a prison cell. A serious crime has been committed. But what precisely? And why? Everyone thought they were a lovely family.

But every family has something to hide and drawn curtains hide dark secrets.

The matinee on Saturday 17 February incorporates a South African sign language interpreter and is geared towards deaf audience members.

The English version takes place from 13-18 February and the Afrikaans version takes place from 20-24 February.

Date: 13-18 Feb (English version) 20-24 Feb (Afrikaans version)

Time: Mon-Fri 7pm | Sat 2.30pm

Price: R150

Venue address: Masambe Theatre, Baxter Theatre Centre, Main Road Rondebosch, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 021 685 7880




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