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Sol Plaatje House Museum

Event information

The museum is located at 32 Angel Street in the cosmopolitan Malay Camp, a suburb with a history similar to Cape Town's District Six. It was here that Plaatje wrote Mhudi.

While based in Kimberley, the journalist, intellectual, teacher and linguist served as a court interpreter, translator, novelist and newspaper editor. He authored a number of important documentary books, in particular Native Life in South Africa, and sang the first sound recording of Nkosi Sikelele’ iAfrika.

The Sol Plaatje Educational Trust was set up in 1991 to serve as a custodian for this and other legacy projects. In 1992, 32 Angel Street was declared a National Monument, a Provincial Heritage Site under 1999 legislation. Plaatje's grave in West End Cemetery, Kimberley, is also a declared provincial heritage site.

Date: Weekdays

Time: 9am to 4pm

Venue address: Aeon Building, 182 Du Toitspan Rd, Kimberley

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Tel: 053 004 0214

Email: [email protected]



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