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Same Time, Next Year

Event information

Same Time, Next Year is a hilarious play that focuses on two people, married to others, who meet for a romantic tryst once a year for 25 years. It’s a heartwarming but hilarious look at friendship, connection, love and growing older.

Alan Committie (award winning actor and comedian) teams up with celebrated stage and Tv actress Sharon Spiegel Wagner to play George and Doris, respectively.

Under the comedy direction of Christopher Weare and with design by scenographer Niall Griffin, Same Time, Next Year promises to be a fantastic night out at the theatre.

Date: 20 September - 8 October

Time: 8pm or 3pm

Price: R150-R280

Venue address: Pieter Toerien Montecasino Main Theatre, 1 Montecasino Blvd, Magaliessig, Johannesburg

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Wheelchair accessibility: Yes


Tel: +27 11 511 1988

Email: [email protected]





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