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Robertson Wine Valley

Sabi Waterfall Route

Event information

The Sabi Waterfall Route connects various waterfalls along the countryside, which consists of a rich mix of forested ravines, rivers, passes and valleys.

The first waterfall is the Bridal Veil, 6 kms out of Sabie, and involves a steep climb to reach. The second is Lone Creek Falls, which consists of a long, narrow drop with a viewpoint at its base. The third is Horseshoe Falls, named so due to the horseshoe shape of the drop itself.

The Mac Mac Falls follow the Hoseshoe, a 65 metre high waterfall, which is a national monument. Originally a single stream, gold miners blasted it with dynamite to divert the river in an attempt to work the rich gold-bearing reef over which it plunges.

The turnoff and parking area for the route is at the curio stalls and a nominal entrance fee is charged. A steep walk along a cement pathway (with many steps) takes you to the viewing platform above the falls.

Date: Refer to website

Time: Refer to website

Venue address: Sabie, Mpumalanga

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 013 764 3399

Email: [email protected]



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