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Pleased to meet you, Mr Laubscher

Event information

Salon 104 presents: Pleased to meet you, Mr Laubscher' , a unique group exhibition, paying tribute to late South African artist Erik Laubscher on the 10 year-anniversary of his passing.

The exhibition - presented in Salon-fashion - also celebrates the joint journey of the 11 participating artists and founding members of Cape Town-based 'Salon 104'. Over the past year, these 'friends in art' have been gathering regularly, supporting one another in their passion for making art and engaging meaningfully with societal issues.

The opening features Phillippa Duncan, an expert on Laubscher and will open the exhibition.

Following the opening are 3 more events where the public are invited to join the artists.

Friday includes a walkabout and Saturday Frank Kilbourn and Amanda Botha will be in conversation with the public and participating artists around the theme 'Friendship through art and its effect on the artist's practice'.

Monday will also include a walkabout and open viewing.

Date: 24 -27 November 2023

Time: 10 am - 4pm

Venue address: 2 Welgemeend Street, Gardens, Cape Town

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown



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