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Olive Schreiner House

Event information

The museum houses her personal library, as well as exhibitions depicting her life and those of her siblings. A bookshop sells a wide variety of books, including her most celebrated work, The Story of an African Farm, plus other books by and about her. A pictorial display of her life can also be seen in the home.

Earlier exhibitions on show since the museum opened in 1986 were scrapped, and a new set was erected in 2014 for the Schreiner: Karoo Writers Festival. In the Ikhamanga Hall, which forms part of the property, there is another presentation titled 200 000 Years of History; 200 Years of Cradock; and 20 Years of Democracy.

Schreiner House was bought by A.A. Mutual life and subsequently restored as a joint project with the town council of Cradock. It was then donated to the National English Literary Museum (NELM). It is a declared Heritage Site.

Date: Booking required

Time: Booking required

Venue address: 9 Cross St, Cradock

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Tel: 048 881 5251


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