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Kloofendal Nature Reserve

Event information

Kloofendal is a cultural heritage and ecotourism facility, the 128ha park was one of the first nature reserves in Johannesburg.

The area has a high conservation value, with the natural environment representing a transition zone between the Bankenveld, Drakensberg and Savana ecosystems.

It is about eight km's from Soweto, and is used for environmental education. The reserve has remains of early gold mining activities and is recognised as the first gold mine in Johannesburg. The mine can be visited by appointment.

Just 25 km's from the city centre, it is home to a number of small mammals such as duiker, mountain reedbuck, dassie, mongoose, hedgehog, black-backed jackal, mole rat, gerbil and more. There is a stone amphitheatre with picnic and ablution facilities, walking trails of various distances, and a dam with a hide. A map of the reserve is available from the security guard on duty.

Hiking, fully fenced, concerts, screening, small and large corporate events, weddings, exhibitions, conferences and photography are often done here.

Date: Daily

Time: 6am to 6pm

Price: Free Entrance | R40 to R60

Venue address: Kloofendal Nature Reserve, Galena Ave, Kloofendal

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Wheelchair accessibility: Yes


Tel: +27 11 712 6600




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