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ISHTA Studio of Yoga & Health

Event information

SHTA is an acronym for the “Integrated Science of Hatha Tantra and Ayurveda” and is a physical and spiritual form of yoga that addresses the individual needs of each student who practices it. The Sanskrit word “ishta” means “individual” or “personalised”.

The Ishta Studio is a sanctuary and home of dedicated yogic practice, a place of community, wellbeing, health and healing.
Lovingly guided by a strong tradition and lineage, ISHTA continues to uphold sacred principles of practice through our diverse yet distinctive offerings.

In the heart of Sandton,the beautiful studio is a haven of peace, calm and relaxation.

Yoga classes on offer at Ishta Studio include ISHTA, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Integral Yoga, Yogalates, Preggie Yoga, Children and Teen Yoga, Private Yoga, Healing Therapies and Yoga Workshops.

Time: Times vary according to classes given

Price: From R190 ( drop in) -R2300

Venue address: 121 Atholl Road, Atholl, Johannesburg

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 082 338 8153

Email: [email protected]




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