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Hluleka Nature Reserve

Event information

Hluleka Nature Reserve is a combination of a 772 hectare farm, a strip of coast line, a secluded cove and the forest reserves of Congwane Mtombo and Ndabeni Hluleka. Together these offer various eco systems and abundant animal life - rocky seashores home to dolphins and occasional whales, lagoons, grassy hilltops, an abundant bird life, and the solitude of forests filled with evergreen quinine, coral, stink ebony and Natal fig trees.

Hluleka is not only regarded as a hiker’s paradise, with neat paths that wend their way through the Hluleka Nature Reserve, but the reserve makes fine use of alternative energy. Gas stoves, solar water heaters, gas geysers, energy saving bulbs, solar panels and wind chargers replace former diesel power generators and set a new standard for green stays in reserves.


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